The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #941   Message #3420
Posted By: Saunis
23-Mar-97 - 10:58 PM
Thread Name: Origins: The Preacher and the Bear
Subject: RE:
Theres another version of this song that I've been trying to find for a long time. The preacher climbs into the tree, and the bear follows. The preacher climbs still higher, till he couln't climb no more. Right about then the limb gave way, and they both come a tumbling down. They fall into a river. They wrestle in the water. The preacher eventually gets out of the water and says, Oh Lord you delivered Danieal from the lions den. Delivered Jonah from the belly of the whale and then, Oh Lord it may not seem like much from where you sit up there. But the hardest thing that I've ever done was to baptize that bear. If anybody knows the whole song in this versioon I'd sure like it.