The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147537   Message #3420545
Posted By: Little Hawk
16-Oct-12 - 12:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
Bobert, I'm seeing neo-fascism coming from both your major parties. Their rhetoric is quite different. They pretend to be different...and most of their members in the public DO subscribe to 2 rather different philosophies, not doubt about that....Republicans tend to believe in smaller government, privatization, ultra-patriotic raving about "defending" America (which ends up translating to attacking foreigners)...while Democrats tend to believe in social services done through government and do not indulge in the ultra-patriot ravings to nearly the same extent...etc...and then are there the religious issues and so on...

but that's the membership!

It does not compute to what happens when either of those 2 parties gets power. What happens when either of them gets power is neo-fascism. Both Bush and Obama have made incredible assaults on your Constitutional rights and freedoms in the last 12 years and are involving the USA in fascist wars abroad, and are doing things that benefit the richest elements of the private sector.

What the parties supposedly stand for is not what you get when they're elected. You get neo-fascism when either of them is elected. This tells me that the campaigns are nothing more than a false propaganda exercise to tell you unfortunate people whatever you want to here...then once they are elected, they do what they were going to do anyway.

The Republicans sound more like neo-fascists because that appeals to the people who vote for them, that's all. Once in office, though, the Democrats turn out to be more of the same thing.

It's horrifying, frankly. I honestly feel like I'm living next door to an incipient fascist dictatorship that is merely going through the outward motions of pretending to have a democracy, in order to keep its own people cooperative to a manageable extent. So far it's working, just like it always has. The Great Oz is still safely concealed behind the curtain.