The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147573   Message #3421177
Posted By: Ed T
17-Oct-12 - 06:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Pres Obama is making the case!
Subject: RE: BS: Pres Obama is making the case!
IMO, I did not like the format, but Romney seemed too eager to be liked and seem as credible. He was too eager to hog the time-and it looked bad on him. While it is a difficult task, I feel a moderator could do a better job of cutting these folks off-possibly with a "microphone kill switch"

Outside of that, I found it kinda boring (same old-same old).I actually enjoyed the Biden-Ryan debate more, as a spectator.

I suspect many folks would prefer other candididates on both sides-but, will have to deal with the best of what they got.