The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147537   Message #3422712
Posted By: Little Hawk
19-Oct-12 - 01:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
Subject: RE: BS: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead (Hillary C.)
Yeah, Henry is often just trying to shit disturb, stir the pot, I know that. It's obvious. But that's not the point I was focusing on...after all, it is so obvious, why bother?

The point I was focusing on was the old knee-jerk that is so common here, which is: "attack the guy who criticizes Obama and call him a 'racist'". It's that automatic reflex that so many here indulge in that I was focusing on, because they do it without even thinking. It happens automatically, like Pavlov's dog salivating when he hears the bell. That's why I commented on it.

It's the things that pass under people's radar here (their own behaviour, in other words) I would rather comment on than something as obvious as the fact that Henry Krinkle enjoys pulling people's chains and getting a reaction from them.

You BET there's racist prejudice against Muslims here in Canada...and elsewhere...these days. And I've often spoken out against it.

Henry calls Obama "al-Obama" in order to upset various people here...and because he doesn't like Obama's policies and performance in the presidency. I very much doubt that he does so because Obama happens to be half-black. That's just my opinion, mind you, but I don't think he has any racial motivations for criticing Obama.

He thinks Obama is a CIA-trained person whose ascendancy to the US presidency was planned in the works for a long time. He may be right. It's an interesting theory. I have no final opinion about it.