The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147600   Message #3423256
Posted By: gnu
20-Oct-12 - 08:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Fake Boobs?
Subject: RE: BS: Fake Boobs?
reggie... well said. Although, I still take to heart what ***** said.

Cultural? Just the way it is where it is?

I believe that has merit. Ahhh... believe? Well, I would say what ***** said above is beyond just merit and speaks the absolute truth. I learned my appreciation for my belief in what ***** states from an Egyptian who I had the honour to study with at uni. I used to eat lunch with him in his office as often as I could (he a doc student and I a master's student). I asked him one day about why his wives were clothed to the hilt. He said, essentially, we are VERY sexual, far more than you that parade yourselves all day long. When you do that, and view pornography and all of that, you lose what I have in my bedroom. When my women take their clothes off for me when night falls, we have passion far greater than you.

I never forgot that. And I have viewed all others and their religions and their beliefs and their actions in a far different light than I might have if he did not educate me so frankly.

I could cite other encounters with people who educated me in one way or another, as we all could (saving some of the trolls) but when Mohammed ****** ***** *** explained to me why he had a better sex life than I had a chance of obtaining in my life (in his opinion), I learned to view all others with reverence and due consideration. Imagine that... Black Irish Cat'lic learns from devout Muslim... and I taught him some things about my way of life too.

I had relationships with many people from "all over" when I was at uni and when I worked in that city... I miss that interaction where I live now.