The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147600   Message #3423946
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
22-Oct-12 - 01:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: Fake Boobs?
Subject: RE: BS: Fake Boobs?
Why I knew a woman who wanted to be loved for her they all say, so they run down to get a boob job...then they live in fear that nobody likes them for their brain..but the boobs, they feel attracts men, which they torment forever, because they need more 're-assurances' that it really is their mind/brain they are loved for....and of course, that drives their man crazy..because they NEVER seem to be able to give them ENOUGH 're-assurances'.......because of THAT, the woman's mind turns ugly!!!....

....and all along, it was shape, not size!......and most importantly, how they treat their man!!..and in turn, each other.

And then there is the time(s), in the heat of passion, when they are massively turned on, and they are working up a major sweat, giving it everything they have..until that moment when an orgasm is about to take them into space, and beyond...she turns to him and groans between the panting, almost out of breath, "Do you really like me for my mind?"
"Sure Babe......I ALMOST had it!!"
He goes limp.
She doesn't 'get it'.....probably never will.....