The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147743   Message #3426117
Posted By: JohnInKansas
25-Oct-12 - 07:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama

Colin Powell is one of an unfortunately very few persons who served in prominent places during the Bush Administration to whom I credit an acceptable level of rational honesty, and whose opinions I generally respect. During his time in service, he demonstrated an apparently sincere concern for what he believed was best for the country, with the minimally necessary obeissance to "the boss" under whom he happened to be serving. Even in cases where I had some disagreement with his assessments and with the policies he recommended, he never failed to provide rational and credible arguments for what he did, that considered the entire effect on the country that he obviously respects.

It is unfortunate that his most prominent service was within an administrate devoid of any ability to take rational actions, whenever they contradicted "the party line."

I consider his endorsement of President Obama an exceedingly powerful contribution for those of us who still (despite the odds) have some hope for the country.

Although at this point the endorsement is somewhat suprefluous for those of us who have tried to remain rational regarding the recent conduct of Congress, and the Republican blockade of needed actions that could have been quite helpful to the country, and for those who still hold out some hope for that the country may survive despite the obeisance by so-called Conservative Republicans to exactly the same policies and plan instituted by the Nazi party in 1938 and therafter,

I, for one, do appreciate Mr. Powell's recent statement of endorsement of rational government.

Thank you, Mr. Powell.

Generally, I just assume that any thread started by Mr(?) Krinkle is not worth reading, and it's quite likely I will regret violating my general inclination to not contribute to any such. I have, however, missed a couple of recent threads solely because they looked too much like something he might have started, so I did look at this one "just in case" and the subject of the endorsement deserves discussion.

Please note that my statement of an opinion is not addressed to the mindless troll, but is intended for those capable of rational thinking, as there appeared to be some here who have usually shown at least some such abilities, but may have inadvertently forgotten to include that in their decisions to respond at all to Herr Heinrich.
