The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147743   Message #3426379
Posted By: GUEST,999
26-Oct-12 - 10:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
That I can understand, Henry. But face it buddy, it's a part of politics on which people can agree to disagree.

Back in the 1960s I was at a place called People's Park in Berkeley, California. Hot as a bonfire that day. I got to speak with a national guardsman who was behind a fence. He had a rifle and I noticed his weapon wasn't on safe. I mentioned it to him--I'd been a soldier myself--and said, "Trust me. We're more afraid of the gun than we are of you. Safe it, man." He did and said "Sorry." We talked for a few minutes, I passed him some water and moved on. Hell, we were about the same age.

Your nation has been ripped apart by some seriously bad people. Fighting with each other does nothing. Learning each others points of view--while you may not agree--at least provides for a no-fire zone in which you can trade perspectives.

When people draw lines in the sand, someone always gets hurt. Pride should never determine who's right or wrong.

I am a good fighter in real life. Not great, just good. I know that because I haven't been in a fist fight for about ten years. Better to walk away than hurt someone or get hurt. The last guy I hit I took to the hospital because I'd broken some bones in his hand: back fist. After I struck him I mentioned that I was an emergency medical responder and that I thought he should have his hand X-rayed. I heard the bones crack and knew he was in pain.

That is not to tell you 'how tough I am', because I'm not, but it is to tell you that had I the chance to deal with it differently I would. Talk talk is always better than war war.

I wish the war war going on here would stop. I like peace because it's peaceful. Bobert and Gnu are truly good folks, and in a room together you'd be with friends. Let's pretend we're in a room together.

Last guy to fart buys the beer.
