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Thread #147743   Message #3426480
Posted By: Arkie
26-Oct-12 - 01:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
Since misanthropes and racist may use the same type of epithets I, for one can understand how they might be confused.

On the matter of Gen. Powell, I can only say Amen to comments from John in Kansas and others. He earned my respect on the battlefield and he continued to receive that respect when he became involved in politics. Although I am normally more sympathetic to the Democratic party's approach to to issues, I have no personal animosity to Republicans or to a conservative approach to problem solving. It would be disastrous for the country if one viewpoint to constantly prevailed because most issues are complex with multiple factors to consider. People with progressive attitudes and ideas need to engage with others of a more conservative attitude to provide a meaningful solution and one that serves the best interest of the country. If the Republican party could only return to the sanity of people like Powell, or even Jeb Bush imagine what kind of legislation we could get from Congress and the manner in which current problems could be managed. Now, I know, Congress has never been a perfect, or even near perfect institution, but I do not recall during my lifetime when one faction has completely sold it soul to private interests and completely sold out the ordinary citizen.