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Thread #147743   Message #3426547
Posted By: Don Firth
26-Oct-12 - 04:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
No, Hinky, you're not a misanthrope, you're a nincompoop. A racist nincompoop.

But then, that's redundant.

You don't even know the name of the presidential candidate you plan to vote for? [Why am I not surprised?] The Libertarian Party Presidential candidate is Gary Johnson, former governor of New Mexico. I won't be voting for him, I will be voting for Barack Obama, but at least I am sufficiently well informed to know who the Libertarian Party candidate is. Unlike you.

And I ALSO know the Libertarian Party's platform.

Voting for Johnson will make a statement, you say? Well, a fart in a hurricane can be said to make a statement also (that you're a bag of gas!), but it's not something anyone would even notice, and it certainly won't do much to change the world.

Unless, of course, Johnson were to actually get elected. In that case, it will give the expression about "the shit hitting the fan" a whole new dimension!

The parts that I agree with. The Libertarian Party favors the right of individuals to make free choices for themselves and to accept responsibility for the consequences of the choices they make. This would include such things as gay marriage and abortion on demand, plus the free exercise of religion as long as it does not interfere with the beliefs, or lack thereof, of others.

Where I back off a bit is that they would repeal all laws having to do with the use of "recreational" drugs. Legalize, regulate, and tax it, say I. But the Libertarian Party would also repeal funding for any medical assistance for any consequences thereof. If you O.D. or become addicted, you're on your own.

Also, any kind of public health, such as ObamaCare or other system such as those in the CIVILIZED countries of the world (including Taiwan and Thailand)? Fuggitaboutit!! If you are diagnosed with cancer or get hit by a bus, you're on your own.

The Libertarian Party would also:

Repeal the income tax.
Abolish ALL Federal programs and services.
Repeal all regulations having to do with banks and the financial industry.
Repeal all labor laws and regulations.
Repeal Social Security.
Repeal all laws having to do with business, including the repeal of laws against the formation of trusts, cartels, and monopolies

The Libertarian Party favors pure, unlimited Free Enterprise.

I got all this from the Libertarian Party's web sites. CLICKY.

For further information about where the Libertarian Party is coming from, read the following works by Ayn Rand:

The 1,000 page novel, Atlas Sjrugged, or at least the fifty page "John Galt's Speech" toward the end of the novel.

And two non-fiction works by Ayn Rand, Capitalism, the Unknown Ideal and The Virtue of Selfishness.

Don Firth

Vote for Obama/Biden. Not ideal, perhaps, but the other alternatives would take us on a bee-line off the edge of the cliff.