The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147743   Message #3426643
Posted By: GUEST,999
26-Oct-12 - 09:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
"When there's an Anarchy Party I'll vote for them."

That'll be the last vote you ever have.


McGrath's remark is one I'd like an answer to also. Every time I do those 'where do you fit on the political spectrum' things on the internet I end up being in the libertarian quadrant.

I disagree with abortion on demand, agree with universal health care, think that capital punishment is wrong but right in specific circumstances, hate unlimited capitalism, value the worth of all people, think that religion and politics should not be sleeping in the same bed, dislike the stupidities that lead to war, would refuse the government's right to send my children to most foreign wars, believe that a graduated tax is fair, and all education should be free from kindergarten to the ability of the individual.

I value garbage collectors as much as doctors, dentists as much as truck drivers and philosophy/art as much as engineering/singing. I believe in a world where people are judged not by their colour but by the conduct of their character. I think 'judgeship's should be earned, not appointed, and if as an elected official you use the office to screw the people who elected you, then you deserve to be fed to rabid dogs.

If that makes me libertarian, why am I in almost-total disagreement with the Libertarian Party?


Having said that, I have a beer going flat. In case I forget, goodnight all.