The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147743   Message #3426669
Posted By: GUEST,999
26-Oct-12 - 10:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
"I haven't really put much effort into shocking and annoying anyone. I'm not particularly malicious. Mudcat is a ludibrium for me.(you may google ludibrium if you're ignorant of its meaning)."

That is nothing less than floccinoccinihilipilification and certainly beneath your dignity, Henry, and if it isn't beneath yours it certainly is beneath mine. I don't mind people who use flashy words, but I do object to affronts that presume the reader is lacking in Latin or the ability to figure out words presented in context.

Please stop thinking this horseshit is entertaining or educational. What you and I perceive seem to differ. There is no need to denigrate people on this forum. You are really fucking up. Give it some thought. It's foolish to be an outlaw inside a group of outlaws. Most of us have been there and done that.

The people here are the most welcoming and tolerant folks I've ever met. Why place yourself outside a community that welcomes you? Why spit in our faces? Why not start tomorrow with "Sorry guys and gals. I had a few issues and I'll try to fix 'em." Not one individual on Mudcat will look down on you for that. As it stands, you are leaving folks no choice. I wish you weren't.

My e-mail address is

irishancestry at gmail dot com

I live in Ormstown, Quebec, Canada. I ain't hard to find. Hell, the town has only 3500 people. I think if you asked anyone on Mudcat if I have ever given their email address to anyone else, the answer would be no. I know more folks here--some of whom dislike me intensely--who would be willing to say I am a sonuvabitch but I don't/won't release their personal info without their go-ahead (read expressed permission). You ever want to talk about it, write me. Until you choose to do so, I gotta say goodbye.

Keep well, Henry. I appreciated our message exchange, but the people here I argue with, fight with, get bitchy with--some of whom think I'm garbage--well, at least they think I'm their garbage.
