The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147743   Message #3427015
Posted By: Bobert
27-Oct-12 - 05:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
Nah, LH... The level of hate aimed at Obama compared to Clinton makes the 90s look like Woodstock.... No one ever yelled "hang him" at Republican rallies in regards to Clinton... No one ever tried to shout Clinton down during a State of the Union Address... No one stood up in '92 and said that the Republican's #1 goal was to make Clinton a one term president... No Republican dominated Supreme Court stole either the '92 or '96 election...

As per usual on matters of reality, you pick your default position...

The reality is that the Republican have been pumping racist code talk into every discussion out there... The Washington Post wrote an article about this this week and found that there is more racial divide now than any time in the last 24 years... They pointed out thje very same things that I have pointed out...

Racism is in and camped out in the Republican Party... That is reality... Maybe you should read more, LH, and post less until you have a perspective that is more reality based 'cause yer beginning to sound like a '96 or '00 Nadar supporter who has just woke from a coma... Times have changed...
