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Thread #147743   Message #3427116
Posted By: Little Hawk
27-Oct-12 - 09:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Colin Powell Endorses Pres Obama
Hmm. Well, I think both parties use the race card constantly, Bobert, any way that works for them, but that means they do it in a completely different fashion. It is the Republicans who are using it in the most negative fashion, as you have pointed out. But don't you think the Democrats have something to gain from using it too? I do. If they have something to gain from harping on "race" issues, why wouldn't they? That's politics.

The Democratic Party and the Republican Party each shape their rhetoric to appeal to their support base. They both focus on what their support base fears the most about the other. That's how it's done.

You've basically got an alliance of big city people, gays, blacks, university intelligentsia, immigrants, and Hispanics (in a general sense)...that's the Democratic base...

Against an alliance of small-town, white, traditional rural people (in a general sense)...that's the Republican base...

And you've got a few filthy rich people playing both ends against the middle...they are the ones who fund both parties and run the government anyway after the election is won.

Who's worse? The Republicans! No argument there. ;-) The trouble is, I don't like what either of those parties does once they get into office...they do surprisingly similar things most of the time, although they do try to get in each other's way in Congress regardless...because they live to get in each other's way.