The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9931   Message #3427266
Posted By: GUEST
28-Oct-12 - 12:04 PM
Thread Name: ADD: The Rhythm of Life (from Sweet Charity)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req/Add: The Rhythm of Life
Oes na rhywn yn gwybod y lyrics cymreag oedd Ysgol Glanaethwy yn canu ar Last Choir Standing? Neu'r geiria i gyd yn gymreag? Dwi'n cofio neud o yn ysgol gynradd, oeddan ni'n neud y corus efo cor athrawes blwyddyn 0 ni, ond dwi'm yn gwybod be di'r penillion. Os oes 'na rhywun sy'n gwybod y geiria plis plis rowch nhw fama, diolch :)

Does anyone know the welsh lyrics Ysgol Glanaethwy were singing on Last Choir Standing? Or all the lyrics in welsh? I remember doing it in primary school, we were doing the chorus with our year 0 teacher's choir, but i don't know what the verses are. If anyone does know the welsh words please please put them here, thank you :)