The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27767   Message #342761
Posted By: Troll
17-Nov-00 - 10:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: INCOMPETENTS part 2
Subject: RE: BS: INCOMPETENTS part 2
MarkS. Damn right!Al Gore has played up his military service and cast himself as a patriot who answered his countries call.
But, to give him credit, at least he did his time, unlike some cowardly bastards who left the country rather than take a chance on being drafted.
I asked one of those once in a college class why he didn't stay and fight the war if he was so much against it. Turns out he wasn't against he war. If he had been drafted, it would have put him two years behind others of his age in the job market. So, off he went to school in Canada.
I remember reading stories about how Clinton led anti-war rallies in England while a student there. Gore said he was PROUD to call Bill Clinton his friend.
