The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147806   Message #3428654
Posted By: Fossil
30-Oct-12 - 09:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Tall Ship Bounty Abandoned in Storm!
Subject: RE: BS: Tall Ship Bounty Abandoned in Storm!
Oh I wasn't suggesting that hatch covers were the problem that caused the Bounty to founder: there could be many explanations. I was just trying to explain the term "battening down" for the benefit of non-nautical members of the forum.

I did note that one of the pictures of the vessel taken before the accident showed the wide expanse of stern windows typical of vessels of the era the Bounty replica was emulating. I'm sure they would have had "deadlights" (solid covers) fixed over these windows, but many yachts in severe storms have had deadlghts stove in by the force of the sea. Something similar could have happened if the ship was running before the storm, and once the windows were broken there would be waves from the following sea washing straight through - it wouldn't take long after that for the ship to fill up.

But I really don't know what was the exact cause, though doubtless a serious effort will be made to find out.

The power of the ocean in a storm like this one makes a sobering thought for those of us who do go out on the ocean. In the Sydney - Hobart Race disaster a few years back, modern, well-found racing yachts with experienced crews were rolled by giant waves, masts broken, cabin tops ripped off and even when survivors took to their life rafts, the rafts themselves were ripped apart by the force of the sea. At least this didn't happen with the Bounty and all the crew bar two were rescued, thanks to their survival suits and life rafts - this we must be thankful for.