The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27826   Message #342898
Posted By: Michael in Swansea
18-Nov-00 - 07:23 AM
Thread Name: Help: Shirley Abicaire
Subject: Shirley Abicaire
At rehearsals last night our illustrious leader, Cap'n Hand, brought along Harvey Andrew's Otter song.
"What's that got to do with sea shanties?" we asked
"It's got water in it" he replied.
This brought up other songs with "water in it" including one of my childhood favourites "Little boy fishing off a wooden pier"
Which brings up the subject of this thread. What has become of Shirley Abicaire? Is she still alive? Where's she living? Are any of her recordings available? Anyone know anything? Shirley, if you're out there, just to let you know you are fondly remembered, not forgotten.
I'll be back on the 'Cat on Monday, (I'm not on line at home, only in work), and I would be dreadfully disappointed if no-one remembered her and her zither.

Mike, a not so secret fan of Shirley Abicaire.