The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147573   Message #3429398
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
01-Nov-12 - 12:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Pres Obama is making the case!
Subject: RE: BS: Pres Obama is making the case!
Bobert: "I don't know any more... The American public is so dumbed down it is not only pathetic but downright worrisome..."

Absolutely right!!....Just like people who voted for Obama just because he is black, and counting themselves as real 'liberal progressives', just for doing so(and in doing so proved themselves 'racist', but that's another story). Regardless of his color, race or whatever, he has been a divisive President...BUT, before I bag on him for that..maybe he was supposed to design. Given the choices of 'none and nothing', in reality, McCain and Obama, there wasn't anything to get excited about, other than if you were fooled by the media hype, who turned Obama into something he was not,and, as a matter of FACT, how he has disappointed his base, when they felt the effects of it.....and that my dear Bobert, happens to be a fact!..AND...Romney ain't going to be much will be the Republican's turn for egg on their faces!