The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147873   Message #3432440
Posted By: Stringsinger
07-Nov-12 - 10:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: why are there gas lines
Subject: RE: BS: why are there gas lines
"The U. S. is not a dictatorship, and diversions of supply is faced with jurisdictional boundaries and legal contracts."

The oil companies have these all tied up. It's an oligarchic dictatorship by oil companies who are hell-bent on ruining the environmental quality in America. You think Sandy was bad, just wait.

"tired blather from Stringflinger is rather contradictory to the actual fact that fuel prices have decreased in the past couple of weeks in the US, only in part due to some reasons related to the "present emergency" in the eastern part of the country."

Fuel prices over the last decade have not decreased and the oil companies are throwing the public a bone. Wait 'til they get jacked up again. The problem is that oil speculators are not being regulated by government. Pipelines and fracking will make this country unlivable.

When was the last time you paid 98 cents for a gallon of gas?
It will be over $5.00 or more before the year is out. Tired blather from J of K will not change this fact.