The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147734   Message #3432927
Posted By: MGM·Lion
08-Nov-12 - 07:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Vilnai: inflict a 'shoah' on Gaza
Subject: RE: BS: Vilnai: inflict a 'shoah' on Gaza
Jim ~~ You misremember. I have been over a dozen or more times on various threads the history of my acute disappointment with the state I had spent so much youthful energy in attempting to bring into being and forwarding its interest; of my saying to my nephew who was born there that I hadn't done all that to have innocent people's olive groves which were their livings uprooted purely from spite at not being able to get at true terrorist perpetrators; of said nephew asking how I knew it was true & my replying, because nobody had attempted to deny it and scarcely even to justify it; how even he, & his mother, my sister, now have reservations but nothing in comparison of mine, which now comprises hostility to the present state and all it stands for and is doing ~~

~~ if you don't recall all this, Jim, then your memory is at fault.

But, there you are, I have now said it all again in admittedly compressed form ~ but it really is all there in all those old exchanges between us on old threads if you can be arsed to look for it..

But I still think that the present situation in Gaza is one of the few where the Israelis might just have got it right and the Gazans not; which is where we came in...
