The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147997   Message #3433305
Posted By: Little Hawk
08-Nov-12 - 05:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Schulz's 'Peanuts'
Subject: RE: BS: Schulz's 'Peanuts'
I thought Linus was a great character, Eddie...probably the most complex and interesting personality in the entire ensemble.

Remember when Linus was quite young and Lucy would tell him outrageous tales about various stuff, he would take it in thoughtfully, and Charlie Brown would be grabbing his stomach in pain over what Lucy was doing? One time she told Linus a big story about how the white, fluffy clouds overhead were huge balls of discarded cotton from garment factories. Charlie Brown was getting ulcers over it, but Linus just took it all calmly in...and no doubt saw through it a year or two later.

Another incident I recall from the very early days of the comic was this: Lucy and Charlie Brown are walking down the sidewalk. They both freeze in horror when they encounter a mysterious object in their path. "It's a bug, it's a bug!!!" yells Lucy. "It's a piece of fluff!" yells Charlie Brown. It turns out that one of them has a phobia about bugs, the other about pieces of fluff. Unable to agree as to what the object is, they turn around and go back the other way, still shuddering at the awfulness of the bug...or the piece of the case may be.

Boy, did those kids have some strange psychological problems. ;-)