The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147391   Message #3433614
Posted By: GUEST,sciencegeek
09-Nov-12 - 09:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Alternative to Science??
Subject: RE: BS: Alternative to Science??
I hope that no one felt that I impled that rudeness is justified from either side... but I do feel that emotions can run high, especially if you feel that unwarrented attacks are not being taken seriously by others.

As a women in the sciences, I personlly know what it feels like to treated as a second class person. And when a old time engineer would call me honey or sweetie, as if I was someone other than the highly trained person that I am... well, let's just say that the urge to sock him in the face definitely needed to be suppressed.

My point being... that bad things happen when good people look the other way. Insulting the integrity of others is never acceptable... it is not respectful or productive. But the urge to "sock the offender in the face" is a natural reaction, in my opinion... :) so maybe a little down time to cool off before posting may be order.