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Thread #147391   Message #3433758
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
09-Nov-12 - 02:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Alternative to Science??
Subject: RE: BS: Alternative to Science??
Shimrod: "The video has points in it, and scientific analyses, that they can't try to touch with any objectivity..."

Being as you seemed to have watched the video..what 'good points' did you see in it?....and let's talk those, because i found some VERY interesting points, that 'other' naysayers haven't even addressed. they just call names based on the preconceptions.

As so far as Steve's question, whether or not I believed if the shroud was that of Jesus, I think anyone would have to weigh the evidence, as put forth in the video....after all, these were/are scientists who asked the same question objectively and out of curiosity, and in the video, they repeatedly asked that same question..did they not?

As so far as the guy from Macbeth Studios, he was after trying to lift an image..and his findings were, to say the least, pretty amazing.

We already know you don't believe any of it, in fact, are predisposed to squashing any of it, no matter what they came up with!..It reminds me of one of the scientists, toward the beginning of the project who asks, "Were there those who were opposed to us running the experiments?..OH YES!!"..and by the way, there were those within the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, who were the caretakers of the shroud who also DID NOT want them to do the tests...ever wonder why?

As the tests unfolded and the project got underway, if you remember(if you even watched it), there were scientists from all over the world coming into the project....just to find out....something you aren't really interested in!!!

So as far as my personal views on their findings, what's it to you what I think?

You need to re-assess your motives, hostility, and resentments, and leave them at the door, when you embark on being scientifically objective, which you have failed to do!