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Thread #147734   Message #3434181
Posted By: Stringsinger
10-Nov-12 - 11:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: Vilnai: inflict a 'shoah' on Gaza
Subject: RE: BS: Vilnai: inflict a 'shoah' on Gaza
Well I guess I would be accepted by Orthodox Jews. Matrinlineal descent. (Check)
Atheist. (Check) Actually I could qualify to be a citizen of Israel but I choose not to.

Here's the reason. Zionism is the culprit, and it's not anti-semitic to say so.

The reason I asked Keith his lineage with Judaism was to find out if he had a Zionist ax to grind.

There is a study being done by a Tel Aviv professor, I can't find his name, that Judaism is not a monolithic religion, that there are people over the world who are Jewish who can't communicate with one another on religious or cultural principles.

Zionism (from the biblical Zion) has deviated into a theocratic nationalism that threatens not just Palestinians but the whole world due to Netanyahu's warlike administration. The U.S. kowtows to Israeli policies for fear of being found anti-semitic and because of the munitions business the U.S. has with Israel.

The defense of Israel is mostly emotional and based on incoherent ideas surrounding misleading points. The evidence that the nation of Israel supports Netanyahu and his sanguinary foreign policies makes it a pariah on the world stage and the victim justification it has for survival is belied by its intimidation and oppression and yes, starvation diet of the Palestinian people.

Again, the solution is not a two state solution where one state turns the other into conditions of apartheid but a single secular state giving Palestinians and Israelis
equal representation and governance.

Because of the fanaticism of many Jewish and Muslim religionists, it will not happen.

What we are seeing is a theocratic war between Muslim and Jew being fueled by end-time Christians from the U.S.

Fortunately there are some enlightened people from the background of Judaism that see this clearly and don't support the "new Zionism".

They are: Norman Finkelstein, Naomi Klein, Noam Chomsky, Uri Avnery, Richard Goldstone and a peace organization in Israel, "Gush Shalom". There are many rabbis over the world who also condemn Zionism.

Keith apparently has been seduced by Israeli propaganda. If he were Jewish,
he might see things in a different light if he were able to experience what the Palestinian people have to endure. Many Jews who are honest know about what it is to experience persecution and as a result, don't want to punish others for it.
Others like Netanyahu are paranoid nationalists who find it powerful to use the victimhood status to fuel their saber rattling and power base.

Maybe Israel will be lucky and Netanyahu will be defeated in the next election.