The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148003   Message #3434221
Posted By: GUEST,999
10-Nov-12 - 12:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
Subject: RE: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
Ake, hi. I am likely as much a 'socialist' as your are, give or take a brick. I do not like drone warfare, but ten or so years back when I suggested that Saddam Hussein should have been given a twenty-five cent headache most here accused me of being devoid of humanity including maybe you. Instead, the US, Spain, Bulgaria and the UK formed a 'coalition of the willing' and the result was somewhere in the neighbourhood of 100,000 Iraqi civilian deaths and then add to that the troops from all sides killed.

I'm a basic kind of guy. Fuck with me I fuck you back. Threaten me and I'll do my damnedest to ensure you can't carry out that thread. Plain, simple and to the point. That's my 'philosophy' on the street and generally in life. When people refuse to talk, then screw it, let's get the fight started.

Al-Qaeda is pushing for the destruction of western civilization. Let's be nice? What for? I think 'we' are being as nice as they are.

I do understand the geo-economic-political realities involved. The USA is not my 'friend' any more than is al-Qaeda. But the USA isn't threatening to kill my friends or family, either. Al-Qaeda will carry out threats against anyone to instill 'terror' in hopes of a world-wide Islamic religious 'government'. In the parlance, fuck 'em. The more of them who die the safer this world becomes, and if WE don't have to die for al-Qaeda's belief system, so much the better.