The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148003   Message #3434523
Posted By: Little Hawk
10-Nov-12 - 09:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
Subject: RE: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
How come you talkin' like ghetto trash, Spaw? Ain't you from Ohio?

Oh, wait....Ohio....okay, I DO understand. Yer automatically fucked, right? ;-D Never mind.

Akenaton - You'll be pleased to know that I agree with you on this one. I think this evolution towards drone warfare is a very bad thing and it will only increase the suffering of the ordinary people who become "collateral damage" in the USA's many foreign wars, while allowing those in command in Washington to avoid responsibility and dodge domestic "blowback". Dead machines don't come back in body bags, and the cost of the war doesn't become nearly as obvious to the people on the home front.

999 - I don't think there was any valid reason for attacking Saddam back in 2003 anyway...and besides, the USA didn't go in there on account of Saddam Hussein or his fictional WMDs. They went in there to take over Iraq, install a subservient government, get control of the marketing of Iraq's oil, and build more bases in the region with an eye toward their next targets: Iran and Syria. Iraq was just one more chess piece to be taken in a much larger and more far-reaching plan...which is to (unofficially) control every single oil-producing nation in that region. Saddam was never any real threat to the USA, but he was inconvenient, because he started selling Iraqi oil for Euros, not dollars. That meant he absolutely had to go. They couldn't care less about him oppressing Iraqis. They do that very well themselves.