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Thread #148003   Message #3434544
Posted By: Little Hawk
10-Nov-12 - 09:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
Subject: RE: BS: Obama celebrates win, bombs Yeman
I'm tellin' you, was not really about gettin' rid of Saddam. He was just the temporary "evil bad guy" FACE for the American public to obsess about and focus their fear and hatred on. There's always such a guy. That's how they market these bullshit wars. Just like a dumb TV show. There always has to be a "Bad Bart" character for Marshall Dillon to "take out", and Saddam was it at that moment.

What they were really after was the country of Iraq and its oil. There's no way they were going to do it without killing many, many Iraqis...and utterly ruining the place in the process.

What I am advocating is to not have launched even ONE of these criminal, illegal foreign wars of occupation in the first place.

I've got a whole different idea about who the "bad guys" are in this so-called War on Terror, Bobert. The people who planned it, that's who. The PNAC people. Project for a New American Century. And they planned it all quite some time prior to 911. 911 was just the event which, like the Reichstag Fire or the sinking of the battleship Maine or the phony Gulf of Tonkin Incident, enabled it all to go ahead when the time came.

You have to scare and deeply outrage the American people first. Then they will go along with a whole series of crazy wars, because Pandora's box has been opened, and it can't be shut again. The Nazis did similar things to get the German people onside. It's a tried and true technique for persuading a nation to go to war...when most people would far rather live in peace, if they thought they had any choice about the matter. They are told they have no choice, and that's the Big Lie.

Look at any place where the USA wants to remove an existing government and replace it with a weak and helpless one which they can control. Who will they focus on in their propaganda? The ONE man who leads that if HE were the key to everything. He isn't. He's just the latest "Bad Bart" fall guy for the American Empire. That's the position that al-Assad is in at the moment, but the Russians have caught on to the game, and I don't think they're going to stand aside this time and let him be "removed" by the American-UK axis.