The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #36465   Message #3435185
Posted By: Greenm
12-Nov-12 - 09:30 AM
Thread Name: manchester sports guild folk club
Subject: RE: manchester sports guild folk club
Rosie; good to see you are still around - you may be interested to know that I have a recording of you and Bob Axford from the Cross Keys in Eccles from some time on the 60's. You performed amongst other things "the day the Pittletrenthide Jug Band hit the charts" - do you remember. Pete Ryder was actually my guest for that night but you and Bob also came along - needless to say "we supped some stuff" that night. I had been trying to contact Pete back in 2009 and I see from this thread that he did in fact reply last November but I missed it. The 60's was certainly a great era for Folk and pity that now MSG, The Keys and the Duke of York (Eccles) are distant memories.