The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148069   Message #3436054
Posted By: Donuel
13-Nov-12 - 03:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: WTF??? I once...
Subject: RE: BS: WTF??? I once...
gnu A story of what goes in the corporate trash does not compare with what goes in your dad's mouth.

At a AW roadside stand we used to make frosty green mint milkshakes with two shots of tobasco sauce for a shocking practical joke.

One co worker gave his dad on of those mint frosties over the counter and he actually gulped it down out of pure thirst. 10 seconds later was the demarkation of the time the father trusted his son to the time he never trusted him again.

Dad's stomachs and throats are serious things. Afterall its the way to thier heart.