The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147391   Message #3436168
Posted By: Steve Shaw
13-Nov-12 - 07:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Alternative to Science??
Subject: RE: BS: Alternative to Science??
not committing one way or another as far as the shroud is concerned

Oh, go on, why don't you. Commit yourself! The facts are clear! It ain't Jaysus! It's clever, it's medieval and it ain't Jaysus! It won't affect you! Creationism is just as possible with a fake shroud! Off the fence with you,, dear boy!

but contrary to the imaginations of some;- creationists are not, that i know of, that het up about it
maybe its the atheists that are more worried about it!

So who's getting all worked up about the bloody thing in this thread, hysterically trying to force all us laid-back, rational types to watch a silly video, reinforcing his call with every possible raving insult known to humanity? Why, 'tis not an atheist, old bean!