The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148075   Message #3436175
Posted By: Steve Shaw
13-Nov-12 - 07:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Afterlife new exciting proof?
Subject: RE: BS: Afterlife new exciting proof?
Claims to an afterlife, or to near-death experiences, are always amusing but they are witness only, and witness only is not evidence. I always regard claims of an afterlife as the ultimate human conceit. We're so bloody good that this can't possibly be all there is - we simply have to go on....and on...and on! Here's a thought. If you are alive today you are the ultimate survivor. You are a rare victor in the struggle for existence. Unimaginably rare! Your dad (who was an unimaginably rare survivor himself) produced hundreds of billions of sperms and your mum (another unimaginably rare survivor) produced thousands of eggs. Try to get your head round all the possible combinations! The odds against you being you were hundreds of billions to one to start with, and even worse when you consider all that death, disease and destruction that goes on. Your chance of being here was the most minuscule of minuscule things, but you're here, in all your glory! And you were not a slug, a snail, a worm or a bloody amoeba! You were the right up there at the top of the evolutionary tree! Unimaginably rare top dog in a world of billions of unimaginably rare lesser dogs! You lucky, lucky bastard! So how come you want even more? To go on forever? Don't you think you've had a bloody good innings? When the day comes when I finally pop my clogs and start the journey back to stardust, I want to be compos mentis enough to do it with a smile on me mush! :-)