The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148075   Message #3436207
Posted By: Donuel
13-Nov-12 - 09:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Afterlife new exciting proof?
Subject: RE: BS: Afterlife new exciting proof?
Since I thought of it here are

the new 10 strong recommendations.

1. We are all an expression of the continuity of DNA and RNA life forms made of the universe and by the universe while surviving on a knife edge of conditions that we have evolved to be able to endure from all of our adaptations our DNA can "remember".

2. We are alive today because of our relationships with other symbiotic and predatory life forms as well as the cosmos we are made of.

3. We are not alive solely because we have fought our way to the niche we enhabit, we survive because of our cooperation with the universe and all the forces that exist in the bubble of our existence.

4. I care not if you need to call this cosmic cooperation the love of God. I care deeply if you want to take an anti intellectual or anti science stand to condemn knowledge outside of the currently edited bible. Even the ancient Persians said as knowledge goes up, God goes down. As God goes up, knowledge goes down.

5. If you condemn the knowledge of man as anti God you are condemning the cosmos of which we are made, which is the epitome of ignorance and insults the faith you claim to defend. Anti science is denial of our part of universe and the universe, its elements and forces which are within us all.

6. So stop and cooperate. Be as you are meant to become. The stuff you wish to understand or merely sooperate with is already within you.

7. Stop with the this only never that. The universe is always a combination of this and that in all its permutations and evolutions.

8. Therefor be kind to one another for someday you shall be them and they you.

9. Shut thee up when you speak of having the only truth.

10. Go forth and be curious for the rewarding answers are magnificent beyond your current ability to see.