The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148032   Message #3436457
Posted By: Bobert
14-Nov-12 - 10:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
Subject: RE: BS: General David Petraeus Resigns
Yeah, it is a shame that we have become such an intolerant nation because it is costing us dearly... I mean, ya' spend a million or so $$$ on a guy training him up to be the very best of the best and then roll him under the bus for having sex with someone who ain't his wife???

Big f'n (pun intended) deal...

Wonder what would happen if we applied these standards to everyone...

"Sorry Dr. Smith, we realize you are the best brain surgeon in the world but yer fired because you had sex with yer next door neighbor."

"Sorry Dr. Jones, we realize that you are the foremost authority on nuclear centra-fuses but yef fired for having sex with yer assistant. Maybe you can find work in Iran."

"Sorry Reverend Thomas but you can't preach anymore or minister the sick because you've been seeing the widow lady on the side."

"Sorry, sorry, sorry..."

Here's what's sorry... Sex ain't a f'n crime as long as minors ain't involved with adults... Get over it...
