The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148063   Message #3437098
Posted By: Bobert
15-Nov-12 - 05:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Was Abe Really All That Honest?
Subject: RE: BS: Was Abe Really All That Honest?
Sorry, Greg... I'm too lexdexic for books... I do better with shorter articles... If you have a sound understanding of history you can do just fine on the inter net and not be snowed... I can smell a snow-job in the first 3 paragraphs...

The nice thing about taking "History of the South" in college is that Dr. Rogers was so good that all ya' had to do was just sit there and listen to the guy and take yer time thru the books... BTW, the first semester ended with the 1860 election... Kinda left ya' hanging over Xmas holiday...

BTW, Part B... Dr. Rogers might not agree with my position but if he were still alive (which he isn't) he would respectfully listen to it... Kinda wished to have had an opportunity to talk with him about it...

And, brucie, I ain't fightin'...
