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Thread #148075   Message #3437534
Posted By: Steve Shaw
16-Nov-12 - 04:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Afterlife new exciting proof?
Subject: RE: BS: Afterlife new exciting proof?
Now I guess the 'know-allogists' on the forum, who don't know anything but their opinions, which of course, were gleaned from other people's opinions, would care to take exception...fuck 'em!..they don't know what they're talking about!
..but we run in to this all the time on here.

As one of your culprits I can tell you that we don't take anyone's opinion as fact. We request evidence. Your clinically-dead patients who "came back" cannot supply evidence. They are uncorroborated, subjective witnesses. Possibly very genuine in their convictions. Now I know what you're thinking (heheh - nothing useful ;-) ): that we science-Spock-automatons won't accept anything that can't jump above a bar that's impossibly high. Not so. I won't say that those patients are liars. I won't say that St Bernadette was a liar. I won't say Moses was a liar. I won't say that your shroud videos were made by liars. But I want a very simple thing. Evidence. Proper evidence, not claims, witness, visions, and...well, you know the rest. In the case of your beloved shroud videos the bar is set very high, for the simple reason that that there is already overwhelming evidence that the damn thing and Jesus had nothing to do with each other. And it's proper evidence, obtained using the best honest science available, and it's repeatable too, all very down-to-earth and not in the least bit mystical.