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Thread #148075   Message #3437778
Posted By: Little Hawk
17-Nov-12 - 09:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: Afterlife new exciting proof?
Subject: RE: BS: Afterlife new exciting proof?
I don't really know how to define "God", Musket, because God is too large to define. The best way I can explain it is to simply put the word "life" in place of the word "God". Life is also too large to define, but we all experience it all the time, don't we? It's inescapable. We're part of it and can't deny it. As long as you are sentient, as long as you have consciousness of any kind, and as long as you have what we call "biological" life, you are experiencing life, you ARE life, and you're in the midst of life. Life is inside you, outside you, all around you. Whether you are still consciously in the midst of life after your body dies...well, that's something we can speculate about, argue about if we want to, but we won't know for sure until our biological death occurs.

And if we're not in the midst of life consciously anymore at that point, then we won't experience anything. But if we are conscious at that point, then we'll continue to in a different form, that's all...or perhaps in a way that could be called "formless" (according to our present view of things).

Life is the alpha and the omega. Life is the holy of holies. Life is the beginning and the end. Life has given you everything. And you ARE life, in the midst of life. Life has even given you the free will to say, "There is no life."...but who would be fool enough to say that? ;-D   

You see, the word itself is the crucial factor in establishing the reaction...positive or negative. Some people just have a lot of trouble with the word "God", because they associate it with some church or religion or tradition that they don't like for some reason...but no one has trouble with the word "life". "Life" is universally accepted, because it's self-evident, it's undeniable, and we are all part of it. Many civilizations, some a good deal wiser than ours, saw God in exactly that way....not as an old man with a beard and a bunch of rules...but as the sacred, unbroken expanse of existence life.