The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147734   Message #3437805
Posted By: Stringsinger
17-Nov-12 - 10:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: Vilnai: inflict a 'shoah' on Gaza
Subject: RE: BS: Vilnai: inflict a 'shoah' on Gaza
OK Keith, here's what you don't get. The Israeli government is not cowering at all, in fact,
their major goal is to control an inevitable Palestine, a hegemonic design which is leading to genocide. Israel has nuclear submarines, nuclear delivery systems, is highly armed and
one of the rogue states perceived by the rest of the world. The U.S. is the second.

The reason Israel wants to control a Palestinian state is the same reason the U.S. wants
to quash independence not out of fear but for control.

Hamas is a militant reaction to Israeli occupation and its goal to quash an independent
Palestinian state. This is why rockets are being fired. The Palestinian people want their state and not to be controlled by a hegemonic Israel.

Also, there is a religious dimension to this war as well. Israel, contrary to popular propaganda is not a secular state. It is a Jewish state and Judaism is a religion. This situation is analogous to those in the U.S. who insist that America is a Christian nation. If Romney had been elected, this would have been his view, even if he is Mormon.

The Hamas has to be seen as a violent reaction to Israeli oppression, something, Keith
that you don't accept apparently.

Since you bring up the "Leftie" card, that means to me that you are not as impartial
on this issue as you claim to be since you use this term indiscriminately.
I assume that your use of the term "Leftie" means that you are a "Rightie", not very objective at all.

The idea that the Israeli government is afraid of a Palestinian state is nonsense.
It's an issue of control and like the U.S., the elite here want to quash independence and democracy around the world. Israel is following suit.

Operation "Pillar of Cloud" is attempt for a strict abusive Israeli father to punish a recalcitrant Palestinian wayward child.

Don't tell me that Israel would stop the settlements, the appropriation of land,
the control of checkpoints, the military abuse if Hamas would stop firing rockets.

The Israeli idea of peace is controlling its neighbors.