The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148075   Message #3437913
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
17-Nov-12 - 04:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Afterlife new exciting proof?
Subject: RE: BS: Afterlife new exciting proof?
""Some of us (me included) have Faith, but not Proof.""

You,and they, are not the problem Eliza, since you have the sense not to claim to have proof.

It's the ones who claim that they have proof by virtue of a dream, hallucination, or what have you.

They are the problem because, starting with their "proof", they warp some weird occurrence into "evidence" to support that proof.

They simply cannot accept the fact that the unknowable is unknowable precisely because no genuine evidence can possibly be adduced to prove its existence.

If Pete were content, as you, to own his faith and stop trying to disprove the work of generations of those real scientists who actually understand the process............but hey! Evangelism is in his blood and the conditioning has left no inkling of doubt in his mind.

He can't help it, whatever our resident bullies may think. He's been to effectively brainwashed.

A great pity!

Don T.