The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148169   Message #3438214
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
18-Nov-12 - 11:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: US Thanksgiving--Debate
Subject: RE: BS: US Thanksgiving--Debate
You should do a little more research about this day, seek out the history of it, then put yourself in the shoes of the Native Americans and see it from their side....perhaps.

Nowt wrong with celebrating family, harvests etc...but there's a GREAT deal wrong in rejoicing over a day which for so many Indigenous People of America causes great offence and upset....

It could be remedied in an instant, of course, simply by Obama saying that Thanks should be included in this day for the fact that the Native Americans are STILL HERE, after all they suffered.

Of course, that will make the turkey a little harder to swallow, but at least celebrating this fact would go a long way to offering the hand of peace and love out, which the Native Americans, by the way, are trying to do in so many instances...

Of course, the main reason, imo, that America is so shit-scared of REALLY APOLOGIZING, from the heart and soul is because of all that Stolen Land which they may have to start giving back, let alone the lawsuits over the Boarding Schools and so very much more...

Just like the Aussies didn't actually want to apologize to the Aboriginies, shit-scared of the legal ramifications again....They DID eventually do it, made a wonderful apology too, even celebrate it every year, but life for many Aboriginal People is EXACTLY the same as it was before....

Still, never mind, open up the wine, take the turkey out of the oven and put the Thanksgiving Cards up, next to the Celebrate Columbus Day ones and party, party, party.......

I'm GLAD the Native Americans are shouting out 'ENOUGH!' now..and I'll do all I can to help their voices be heard..