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Thread #148075   Message #3438292
Posted By: Bill D
18-Nov-12 - 03:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Afterlife new exciting proof?
Subject: RE: BS: Afterlife new exciting proof?
"If someone believes in a God then to them it exists."

That is more than simple "begging the question"... it is an example of how we (well...many of us) do not reflect on how we confuse linguistic conventions with reality. NAMING something does not confer actual existence on it. We all 'know' what a unicorn looks like, but most of us also know that 'unicorn' is simply a generally agreed on concept that 'looks like' a horse with a horn.
The same principle operates with Jesus, Santa Claus...etc.
And with the word 'god', it gets VERY awkward because the notion has been so deeply embedded in language for so many thousand years that many people use it all their lives without coming to terms with how differently it is used. People ask "Do you believe in **GOD**?", and never stop to think that that very way of phrasing the question practically asserts that there IS some such thing, and dares you to disagree.

Love? Same thing.... it requires a lot of context to distinguish eros from agape' from philos from storge>....(ask any woman who has gotten a guy to profess 'love' for her).

Little Hawk *uses* the word god to mean some all-encompassing beingness that I find so vague that it feels like eating cotton candy.... but *shrug*, he likes the 'feeling' that he connects with it. Pete would differ... as would most Christians and Hindus.

It is not surprising that language clouds the very basis of the issue, as it take a lot of work and reflection to monitor our own thoughts and try to be sure we mean the same thing when ....ummm... "sharing" our opinions....