The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148169   Message #3438361
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
18-Nov-12 - 06:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: US Thanksgiving--Debate
Subject: RE: BS: US Thanksgiving--Debate
Funny you should mention Australia, Greg...
EVERY time I raise the story of the Aboriginies on the Support Chief Raoni page (which covers the troubles being caused to many Indigenous People around the world) I *always* get The Racist Bastards coming on, without fail!

It doesn't happen with any other country, but WHAM, I mention the Aboriginies and in they fly..

There are some very nasty and very racist pages in FB about Aboriginal People...I've tried to get them banned, along with so very many other folks, but somehow they just remain there. They're causing a lot of upset to many from Australia, both Aboriginal and White.....

And I've said many times over that the British Government should issue many apologies for our Sociopathic Forefathers and the terrible damage they did... Can't get me for that one, Greg, you'll need to try harder....

Also, I've shout out on behalf of the indigenous peoples of Australia, Native America and The Amazon Rainforest, so how about YOU shouting out about the others on your list, for I'm only one person and I'm already trying to deal with over 25,000 people on Raoni's page, thinking up ways to get them to share information around the planet..

You should start your own pages up, let me have them and I'll get them shared out for you....I'll even think up some photo ideas for you to share, as that's what people share out the with info on...


this one

and this one

AND...this one!

The first one I added the info about Leonard Peltier to, where he'd written a letter concerning Columbus Day...It's had over 3,000 shares now..REALLY pleased with that..

The second one is Dilma Rousseff and The Olympic Rings, an idea I had recently, as I want to blast her into oblivion over Rio I told someone what I wanted and he made it for me, on the other side of the planet. Isn't the internet bloody wonderful! That's just broken the 1,000 mark now...

And the final one I'm so chuffed about I can barely speak at times, for that's the one for Chief Raoni and the Rainforest and it's had over 8,500 shares now..and I've seen it being used as people's facebook page photo too, so I'm thrilled! That too was made for me by someone else once I'd sent her the words and main photo over. She too did a brilliant job, from thousands of miles away.

You'll find many people who'll want to help you. All you have to do is ask, Greg...

Have a good evening...and don't forget your stuffing...for your er............turkey.