The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142444   Message #3439104
Posted By: bubblyrat
20-Nov-12 - 05:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: Birdwatching 2012
Subject: RE: BS: Birdwatching 2012
Lots of waterfowl , not surprisingly ,here at the confluence of the rivers Severn and Avon ; plenty of Mallard ,of course, and a good many hybrids with interesting ( and sometimes bizarre ) plumage ,body-sizes ,etc. Swans, naturally,which sometimes do a "fly by " below the level of our sitting-room window ; great to see and hear !
            Moorhens occasionally paddle by fussilly,but I haven't seen any Coots or Canada Geese (thankfully !) yet.A pair of Kingfishers have flown by,too , and there are plenty of Gulls ; large flocks of the common ones ,and screaming,noisy,quarrelsome Terns when the "Duck-bread" appears on the water.Cormorants seem to like this area also,being regularly seen fluttering ( it's the only way I can describe their precarious flight ) overhead . And lots of Crows in the water meadows,of course , especially where the Sheepen have grazed.