The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147734   Message #3439146
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
20-Nov-12 - 07:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Vilnai: inflict a 'shoah' on Gaza
Subject: RE: BS: Vilnai: inflict a 'shoah' on Gaza
""Yes, there are many and terrible deaths of innocents in Gaza.
Israel is targeting missiles and missilemen.
Israel gains nothing by killing civilians. Each death harms them.
They have every incentive to avoid killing civilians.
The militants have a propaganda victory every time a civilian is killed.
They have every incentive to fake them, exaggerate them, and to put children in harms way.
Be critical and suspicious of what BOTH sides say.
You gullible people swallow everything the Jihadists claim without question.""

1. Israel obviously doesn't give a shit about dead Palestinian civilians, even according to their Deputy Prime Minister.

2. Israel has not, for many years, given a shit for World opinion.

3. You gullible people swallow everything the Israelis claim without question. We repeatedly dispute both sides arguments and freely admit both are at fault.

So your last sentence in its entirety is A DAMN LIE!

Don T.