The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148198   Message #3439273
Posted By: Little Hawk
20-Nov-12 - 10:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: Should Secessionists be Deported?
Subject: RE: BS: Should Secessionists be Deported?
Ah, well...the old 2-party "divide and conquer" method has so bitterly divided the USA by now that it's not surprising some people talk about seceding when their party loses the great electoral game. I've heard people on the Democratic side of the equation talk about moving to Canada if Romney had won...someone spoke about Maine joining Canada if Romney won. What's the difference, really? The one that loses see it as an overwhelming disaster, an utter betrayal of all that the country stands for, 4 years of stark insanity ahead...etc. That IS the nature of the political divide in the USA...both sides see the other as out of touch with reality.

I'll tell you what Americans could do that would give the rest of the world some relief for a bit...have ALL the people who voted for Obama move to the "blue" states from the last election and ALL the people who voted for Romney move to the "red" states from the last election...simply deport them to the nearest state that matches their political choice. As for those who didn't vote...well, they're suspicious intern them in concentration camps. Then separate into two hostile nations, erect fortified borders between the Big Red and Big Blue, and then have another Civil War.

This would greatly relieve the pressure on various small nations around the world that the USA has been invading and occupying and otherwise fucking around in for decades now, because the American troops would all have to come home and fight each other for a change. They could bomb American infrastructure, invade American cities, sack American towns....and think what a relief this would be for Afghans, Yemenis, Iraqis, Central Americans....basically just about everybody...specially those who have large amounts of oil.

The new American Civil War would probably last for at least a few years. Fox News would become the official organ of Big Red, CNN and a couple of others could handle the propaganda for Big Blue, Obama could be the new Lincoln, maybe have Romney or Gingrich as the new Jefferson Davis...and you'd all get to take out your frustrations on the "bad" people in your ex-country....that is, the ones you don't agree with.

Some of you would have to move, of course. But you could look forward to the Final Victory when the "bad guys" finally get their comeuppance and PAY for their evil ways! And then Reconstruction could begin. Jobs for everyone!