The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147391   Message #3439498
Posted By: Steve Shaw
20-Nov-12 - 05:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Alternative to Science??
Subject: RE: BS: Alternative to Science??
...and is taken by darwinists as an article of faith by virtue of an apriori position that it is virtually impossible that there is a God.

If you want to have a proper conversation with thinking people you desperately need to desist from making provocative and stupid comments of this kind. There are no articles of faith among "Darwinists". There are conclusions based on evidence. It is not "virtually impossible" that there is a God. The kinds of God described to us by believers in him, especially with regard to his longevity, his breaching of the laws of nature and his incomprehensible complexity, allied to a complete lack of evidence for him, renders the likelihood his existence, in the minds of rational people, highly improbable. There is nothing possible or impossible about it. Why don't you have a rethink and pose your queries again. Better still, start to think.