The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148075   Message #3439723
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
21-Nov-12 - 05:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: Afterlife new exciting proof?
Subject: RE: BS: Afterlife new exciting proof?
I think you have to completely get out of the 'religious' mindset when approaching the subject and concept of anything remotely dealing with the 'Afterlife'.
Science and the 'spiritual' have been crossing paths more these days, and a lot of the terms, redefined and twisted by religions, are not being looked at through that same filter.
Call it Love, Light, Life..whatever you call it..'God' if you are including it all...including yourself..and the life energy within everyone....and think back...hmmm...what was that thing we know about energy??...hmm..oh yeah, I remember....Energy can neither be created nor does that mean my life's energy was NOT first around before it entered into me??, then it might not be destroyed if and when I die?..Right???.....Now, being as, all what we know, about this life..right what we learned through our senses....FOR THIS if the body dies..but the energy is not destroyed....then, when it's separated from this body(dimension) and rejoins its origins.....does it 'remember' that it's 'glad to be home'??

This is not totally an unsupported observation.
To put it matter how fucking great you might have it here, 'dying' is like waking up from a 'bad dream'!
.....and this IS supported by a large number people, who have experienced it on operating table, (and other places, I'm sure).

..and any blathering fool who denies that possibility can exist, with any asinine rhetoric, is approaching the subject 'emotionally'!! ...with his thumb stuck in his mouth...picking his nose....

...And that's the way it is!
Get over it,