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Thread #147391   Message #3439780
Posted By: Stu
21-Nov-12 - 08:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Alternative to Science??
Subject: RE: BS: Alternative to Science??
"but you don't know, unless you're open"

Any scientist worth his salt is open; it's fundamental to doing good science. Don't confuse scientific process with speculation, which is what you're indulging in. It's not a hypothesis because that must be testable, and the idea that god drives evolution is not testable because there is no evidence to test. There are plenty of people looking for patterns in the evolutionary process for a number of reasons, but last I heard no-one had discovered the slightest hint any of the agents of evolution were guided by a divine hand.

If evidence for god, worldwide floods and the tooth fairy etc was ever found, reproduced and tested rigorously and proved theses existed, I'd be a believer. As it is, there's not a jot apart from the scribblings of a few unknown blokes thousands of years ago which frequently contradict each other, are open to a raft of interpretations and demonstrate a rather unpleasant attitude to women.