The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148075   Message #3439813
Posted By: Bill D
21-Nov-12 - 09:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Afterlife new exciting proof?
Subject: RE: BS: Afterlife new exciting proof?
".Energy can neither be created nor does that mean my life's energy was NOT first around before it entered into me??, then it might not be destroyed if and when I die?..Right???"

Right... absolutely... true... yep.....

However- (you knew there was gonna be a 'however', hmmm?)....all that means is that the basic, elementary particles do not breakup into does NOT mean that they retain whatever relationship with each other that they had while they were YOU! If you tear up a note, then burn it, the teeny-tiny particles are still 'somewhere', but they do not go somewhere and reassemble so that that note can again be read!

We... and everything we use & see... were 'born' in thermonuclear explosions in stars...billions of years ago. All those particles follow laws of physics & chemistry, and under the right conditions can form a musician who can claim 'Sanity' and in his amazing self-aware state can imagine himself continuing to exist forever.. ;>)

Those who want to accept the idea of multiple lives (reincarnation) are not (usually) claiming that the **same particles** get reassembled, but that some intangible, non-physical 'essence' (you know...souls and such) gets glommed onto (pardon the technical language) some OTHER set of physical particles...somehow. The mechanism for this magic is sorta sidestepped, as even believers are peripherally aware that attempts at explanation break down under scrutiny.

"..and any blathering fool who denies that possibility can exist, with any asinine rhetoric, is approaching the subject 'emotionally'!"

And it is not required to deny anything... we "blathering fools" didn't make any claim. Anyone who wants to MAKE such a claim... or even suggest a way (other than collecting anecdotes) to test such a claim, needs to show we skeptics (not denyers) how THEY are doing more than "approaching the subject 'emotionally'!"