The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147391   Message #3439946
Posted By: TheSnail
21-Nov-12 - 01:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Alternative to Science??
Subject: RE: BS: Alternative to Science??

Snail, you mean it isn't *possible* that Evolution by Natural Selection, whose principles are discoverable, could *not* have been invented and guided by an Ultrabeing whose existence is beyond the reach of science?

It is not a question of what is possible, it is question of what is or is not the Theory of Evolution. For the third time, the theory, originated by Darwin and refined over the the following 150 years states that the driving force of evolution is natural selection an natural selection alone. Any hypothesis that evolution is driven by natural selection AND intervention by God, a trans-dimensional super-intelligence or the programmers who wrote the vast computer simulation in which we all live is a differnt (and incompatible) theory. It is up to anyone who proposes such a hypothesis to demonstrate that it is not only able to explain the observed facts but that it does so better than the generally accepted theory.